'A bit more human than human'
This is a phrase used by Sammy to describe himself (page 25) to Mr Collins, the people counter. In fact Mr Collins thinks he's been shown by the dragon family 'how to actually be a human'.
Human beings all need something to aim at as we live our lives. We mostly have an idea in our head as to what being human is all about. In a way this is strange. We have never seen a lion wondering how to be a lion, a rat questioning how to be a rat, or a penguin wishing it was something else.
What it means to be human is not something science can help us with. I suppose that if you took an average of all human beings from the most saintly to the most wicked, somewhere in the middle you could find a 'normal' human being, but it would not make a very inspiring goal to just be 'average'.
In fact, we most of us aim to go a bit above average, not only to be kinder and more considerate than the worst criminal, but to aim at something nearer the best saint. In other words, we have a pattern in our heads of what humanity should be like- and we don't draw that pattern from the people who are unfortunate enough to end up in court.
The conclusion is that it's not a bad thing, in fact it's necessary, to have ideals, and for children to see goodness in action. And it's good in stories to generally see goodness as coming out on top.
We know that in adult life that does not always happen; but the hope that honesty and truth will ultimately be established is part of the hope that keeps us persevering.
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